Version 2.10/2.11 for both iPhone/iPad and Android
- Four Color Deck - Added an in-app purchase to change the deck to a four-color deck.
- Downloadable History of All Games - Added an in-app purchase to download a history of all your games. This is a comma-delimited-file that contains the date the game ended, who the opponent was, and the final score. You will need the password you use to login to the app, to login to the website to download the file.
- New Weekly Leaderboards - You can now see leaderboards for who has won the most games for the week, and who has scored the most points per round for the week. (Only games that are scored using the standard system are included in the points per round leaderboards). The previous weeks leaderboards are also available for viewing. You must finish at least 6 games to get on the most games for the week board, and you must finish at least 24 rounds to get on the most points per round leaderboard.
- Tips for the Developer - Unfortunately this app has not been very lucrative. I have made around $5 - $10/hr for the time I have put in, and there are on-going server costs ($600/yr). As long as the app is bringing in more money than it costs I am happy to keep maintaining it (It has been around since April of 2013). If you feel inclined to send me a tip I would be grateful. One tipping option is for a repeat monthly tip of $5. If you sign up for such, you will get all the available in-app purchases for no extra cost, and any future feature upgrades for no extra cost.
- Status Bar - The status bar on your phone used to be hidden by the app, now it is still visible.
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